Group Schumacher
Our eyes on the future

Our eyes on the future
Standing still means going backwards
This is true for joint projects in collaboration with external partners and also for the process of developing systems for harvest techniques of tomorrow. At GROUP SCHUMACHER, we are very much aware that the secret behind innovation is people and processes.
To this end, GROUP SCHUMACHER is involved in a number of research projects with external partners and colleges. These projects explore new approaches in technology that will improve the future success of our customers. Drawing on extensive experience and great market proximity, we find innovative solutions and services that allow manufacturers, farmers and contractors to boost the productivity of their harvesters.
Our products have proven their worth millions of times as OEM, replacement and repair parts on harvesters across the world.
Schumacher is everywhere where farmers cut, chop and bale. Our passion for detail translates into your Perfect Harvest.
We are innovative leaders who specialize in harvest equipment and we are committed to retaining this leading position in the future - this is the essence of the GROUP SCHUMACHER brand.
Pro-Drive Smart –
Sensor technology
for knife drives
Non-contact measurement
Pro-Drive Smart is an intelligent technology that uses sensors to control the harvester’s forward speed and throughput relative to the current load on the header and the cutting force applied. Pro-Drive Smart is an optional upgrade for the EWM® Pro-Drive knife drives.
The technology detects not only any variation of performance on the cutting system but also the causes for such variations. This way it recognizes any changes in the throughput and diagnoses the current condition of the cutting system spotting potential defects or collisions. As another advantage, this sensor technology on the knife drive is also suitable for flexible headers where the cutter bar flexes with the ground. As such, the cutting system is able to adapt to the density of the stand and to any variations in the frictional forces as the cutter bar flexes. These ‘smart’ knife drives are able to sense the difference between cutting action and frictional forces. Based on this, the technology generates a signal that reflects pure throughput.
Winner of the DLG innovation medal at Agritechnica 2019

Our current R&D projects
ProCut air –
the light-weight section
The key to your success!
The new headers of up 45 ft widths are exposed to enormous loads. As farmers expect greater productivity, throughputs and efficiencies we adapt the cutting systems to deliver.
Working at rates of up to 7-9 miles an hour, today’s machines are being pushed to the limits of performance. This level of productivity poses new challenges to the cutting systems. A cutting system develops high acceleration forces that wear hard on the components, reducing service lives and increasing vibrational stress. In this context, the Schumacher ProCut air knife section presents the most innovative solution. Shedding up to 30% of its original weight, ProCut air reduces the total weight of the knife section by approx. 10% – to the effect that inertia inside the cutting system drops significantly. This in turn reduces the load on the drive components so these can work at higher speeds. The technology reduces the strain on drivers and machines and extends the service lives of all drive components in the system.
Reduced strain and extended service life
Reduced vibration and oscillation on the header
Higher cutting frequencies for higher work rates
Compatible with existing sections
Our current R&D projects
Active TailLess Single Knotter technology
Knots without tails
GROUP SCHUMACHER is committed to environmental protection in farming. The new ATSK Active Tailless Single Knotter technology from rasspe is based on the Deering single knotter where the knot is actively pulled off the knotter. By developing the system, we eliminated the tails that are cut off by the present Deering knotter designs. The new design also increases knot strength by tying the loop into the knot. Our system ensures no tails of twine are left in the field.
This ATSK knotter technology is available for small and big balers.
RS 6003 is an entry-level single knotter for machines that tie 2 and 3 threads of 400-250 lbf knot strengths.
RS 6101 is the high-capacity single knotter in HDC specification for square balers and up 130 lbf knot strengths.

RS 9000 –
The knotter
The double loop knotter
GROUP SCHUMACHER is developing new knotter designs and binding systems that enable high-capacity square balers to tie stronger knots. This is important, because strong and tear-resistant knots are the secret behind bales that retain their shapes. Bale twine has to withstand enormous strain as the baled material rebounds after binding and so the retaining force of the knot is of key importance. In this context, the Rasspe brand presents two innovations that represent milestones in high-density baling:
The compact knotter allows manufacturers to accommodate 8 instead of 6 modules in the knotter bay without extending machine widths.
The double loop knotter combines the benefits of the loop knot with those of the double knot, making the system superior to any of the existing twine tying systems.
Winner of the DLG innovation medal at Agritechnica 2015.
RS CutMaster –
The mobile and universal chopper
Winner of the DLG innovation medal at EnergyDecentral 2016
The RS CutMaster is a versatile chopper that processes digestate, bedding and forage. Mounted on a chaser bin or a trailer with a moving floor and powered by a tractor, the chopper can be put into action right on the site, processing manure, horse dung, straw and various silage crops. The RS CutMaster has a modular design with one module breaking up the material and one chopping it. The main module is the chopper that has two vertical rotors spinning at high, selectable speeds for reliable and effective chopping. Its universal blades cut a wide range of different substrates so no blade changes are required. The pivoting suspension system protects the rotor blades from damage by solid materials. Chop lengths are changed either by selecting a different RPM or by adjusting the position of the counter blades steplessly. The chopper processes a wide range of different materials.
Corn, corn silage
Grass, grass silage
Cattle and cow manure, horse dung
Whole crop silage
Hay and straw for use as animal feed or bedding
Breaks up round and square bales

Our current R&D projects
TRABBIO – Transformation of Brazilian Biomass for use as materials and energy resources
Sustainable cutting technology for sugar cane harvesters
GROUP SCHUMACHER is developing a special cutting technology for sugar cane harvesters. This project is part of a joint German-Brazilian research project that focuses on the sustainable use of biomass. In traditional sugar cane harvesting, the cane is contaminated with soil particles like sand and iron-bearing substances that severely affect all processes in the crop and the biomass harvest chains. The biomass is of inferior quality and wears hard on all equipment. The TRABBIO project explores the entire harvest chain – from harvesting to collecting and the efficient use of leaves and plant tops left in the field preventing young sugar cane plants from developing and growing. On the other hand, the residues are organic fertilizer and protect the soil from desiccation. TRABBIO explores innovative and practical approaches for the individual regions and develops ways of processing the residues so they can be used as a renewable fuel and a versatile and recyclable raw material.
Driving innovation in all fields
The all-electric header
In collaboration with Dresden University, TU Dresden and further partners, GROUP SCHUMACHER developed a header where all rotary drives are powered electrically. Especially on 30+ ft headers, electric drives are expected to enhance efficiencies and control of the various elements. As another advantage, electric drives are very compact and, as a world first, they allow the header to communicate with the combine. eHarvest will play a key role on the super wide headers and in pushing combines to the limits of performance.
Winner of the DLG silver medal for research results at Agritechnica 2015

Driving innovation in all fields
Combatting wear on crop lifters
Wave Track – the new way of running through the stands
Wider cutter bars, higher work rates and abrasive soils increase the wear on the gliding faces of the grain lifters. GROUP SCHUMACHER is constantly optimizing its crop lifters in terms of dynamics and stability in difficult harvest conditions.
Our latest development is the new WaveTrack runner that stands out for its modified wear zone. The runner is curved to increase the stability of the lifter without adding an expensive surface coating.
Longer service life
Fewer losses
Better crop lift and increased combine output
KombiGrip –
the smarter
reel tine
For challenging harvest conditions
The number of different tines working on the headers across the globe is sheer endless. Some tines are made from plastic others from steel. Let’s take a look at these materials and the effect a specific material has on your productivity.
In difficult conditions, the reel is set to its lowest position, rotating very close to the cutter bar to pick up all the material and feed it to the auger. In this position, the tines are exposed to higher vertical forces that may press them into the knife.
When this happens, a steel tine will damage the sections or knock them off, causing costly and time-consuming downtime and repair. Not so a plastic tine. Here, the plastic tip is cut off when intervening with the cutter bar. Traditional plastic tines, however, are unable to withstand the constant load and long-term exposure to the weather.
Combining the benefits of both worlds, the SCH KombiGrip tine pivots on a coil spring that provides the necessary strength and flexibility for the tine to resume its original position. The bottom end of the tine is made from plastic and unlike a regular tine it is rigid. Both ends form a detachable connection that breaks on impact – a design that not only cuts out costly damage and downtime but also retains the vigor and springiness of the tine much longer than usual.
When worn or damaged, the tip is replaced while the steel spring is retained – a very sustainable and cost-saving solution.
Winner of the DLG innovation medal at Agritechnica 2007