The Schumacher

No knife without a head
The key to the cutting system
Knifeheads are as versatile as the machine into which they are built. The design and specification of the individual head is critical for the life span of the entire cutting system. Our extensive experience in this field allows us to design the perfect solution for your cutting system. We design and manufacture your knifehead as a welded or forged steel assembly. The knifehead and the head bearing make the connection between the knife and the drive system.
Stable linear control
Optimum power transmission
For Pro-Drive knife drives

Welded assemblies
Welded assemblies are best for adapting a cutting system and its drive to your header quickly and effortlessly.
From a large choice of different welded assemblies we choose the perfect head to make the connection to the cutting system
Custom production, also small volumes
With plastic ring or cylindrical hole to suit individual head bearing variants
Ball joint designs are also available to connect to a wobble gearbox

forged steel assemblies
We offer a wide range of high precision components to suit your individual needs.